Welcome Rose

Welcome Rose

Friday, October 14, 2011

Saturday Sept. 17th Social

Craft-A-Thon at Sue's house
AND Celebrating our First Year as Hawaii Alpha Chapter!
Here are Sue's rice-bags, to be used for hot or cold, to soothe aches and pains.
Oh, I do like that yellow rice-bag;-) And Denise is making ribbon leis.
Jennifer is showing Patricia her awesome hand-sewn quilt that she has been working on
for several years! The bottom quilt block is sewn in a special way and then the top square
is added, then folded-in and sewn on...it really is amazing!
Mom and I made cards and bookmarks wiht pictures that Sue had taken!
Our sea turtles "honu"... a SunRise over Diamonhead ... and turtles made in the sand!
Emily is working on a Scrapbook....
and Nancy wants to check it out because it is so interesting!
Patricia's cardmaking...doesn't she have on a very nice Lei?;-)
Teresa's making bracelets for a fundraiser...she made several, and I helped make one;
it was not as easy as she made it seemed when she made them, or I am all thumbs...
Denise and
Emily received Secret Sister gifts;-) "Your welcome sisters";-)

1 comment:

  1. Following our Yearbook,
    we talked about the Tradition of Programs
    and recieved copies of Programs, Thank you

    Following this Year's Theme:
    Building Our Future On Traditions
    We enjoyed sharing and learning about crafts this day at Sue's.

    Sorry it says 'Anonymous' can't seem to 'sign'
