Beta Sigma Phi
Founder's Day 2012
Hale Koa, Waikiki, Hawaii
Linda and Teresa signing-in with 3 ladies from their new Chapter...
Chapter name (Beta?) to be announced asap...;-)
Display of past Founder's Days
A game with Questions to answer...
how long have you been in Beta Sigma Phi?
When, and why did you come into Beta Sigma Phi?
Find two people with the same birth month...
Find two people with the same name...
there were 4 Barbara's
2 Carols and a Carolyn
2 Sue's and a Susie
Sue, Susie, Linda, and "Vickie" were born in December
New Chapter, paperwork being sent in Mon. April 30th!
From Alpha chapter, to Beta I think;-)
Teresa read the new Theme 2012/2013
Teresa read the new Theme 2012/2013
"You're Among Friends"
Skit by
Preceptor Alpha
Women of the Year
Emily announced our Chapter's
Woman of the Year...and I, Sue "Susie" was she;-)
Thank you so much Sisters;-)
Hawai'i Alpha Chapter
with a few of the new chapter
(Patricia and Lisamarie had to leave early; next time we take a picture early)
Raffle Photos
Please call early to confirm especially if you are bringing a gurest, Thank You.
I am thy Sister, Mizpah