Welcome Rose

Welcome Rose

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Meeting- December 4, 2010

Aloha Sisters!
We pick up once again at Nancy's house for our December meeting.  Of course there is papers to be sorted and business to attend to... We also officially welcomed a new Sister transferring in and pinned a brand new pledge! Yay!

Our fearless leader taking motions from the floor.
Meeting finished! Time for a quick furry visit before our program.

Our resident cosmetologist, Nancy gave a presentation on some of the different aspects of beauty.
She started by reading the following poem:

Beauty if Forever  by Margaret Rorke

Beauty if forever if it lies beneath the sin.
Time can't reach to sever that which blossoms from within.
Cheeks may crack, revealing all the decdes drifted by;
But there's no concealing what still sparkles in the eye.
When the ore id tested by flames of love and trust,
Where it long has rested, it rebuts the surface rust.
THere can be no fading of a pattern wrapped by years
To withstand invading by a multitude of fears.
Beauty is forever, given what should be its role.
Age is not so clever as to wrinkle up the soul.

Nancy then passed out to us each numbered gifts the were opened in order, as she explained how they relate to the concept of beauty.

In the end it was a very enjoyable presentation, done in a very novel and memorable way. Great job Nancy!

Susie won this meeting's raffle, although she'd need a couple more candy dishes to hold how sweet she is!
One birthday celebrated this day, as well!
Nancy also prepared a great lunch for us to enjoy.
Susie just couldn't resist the pretty little cheesecakes.
Mmmm... Cheesecake!

Cheers to us all and we are looking forward to the next meeting!

And a quick final shot of our newest Sister!
Aloha! See you next time!